It always seems that when you call a company to speak with someone that can help, no one is available, or they have an answering service during the workday. Help Desk Support should be delivered live by a technician during operating business hours to ensure your issues get resolved in a timely manner. Here are a couple of talking points that may make your help desk conversation one reconsider!
Local Support Team
When you start the conversation of help desk support, try to find the company that is going to be most actively present for your company’s needs. Help desk support should not be delivered from technicians on the other side of the world as your problem needs resolution in the timeliest manner. A U.S.-based IT support team is the most efficient choice to avoid additional time and costs, while a bilingual help desk can increase accessibility for all employees to receive immediate help.
Explain to your company that they are losing money by not having an effective support team in place to help resolve issues with minimal downtime, especially during the holiday season.
No Geek Speak
Many people believe calling an IT Support company’s help desk support means they will be talking to someone unable to explain a technological issue in simple terms. Trained technicians provide answers in PLAIN ENGLISH without all the technical mumbo-jumbo. Investing in the right MSP company can guarantee you a lack of geek speak, leaving your company educated and fully aware of the issue at hand, leading to increased communication and increased satisfaction overall for both parties involved.
We recommend subscribing to our blog to help interact with more tech-related keywords to educate and help understand more tech-talk in the technology world currently.
No Hourly Charges
Finding the right MSP can be difficult, and the types of fees associated can make it or break it for many companies. An MSP that offers flat-rate services is a fixed monthly fee can be an asset to your company as you are aware ahead of time of what you are paying without the risk of hidden charges. Charging you an hourly rate for IT support has a conflict of interest, as IT Companies should be doing what it takes to keep your systems running so they don’t go down and impact your business in the first place. No hourly charges ensure your company is receiving the highest quality service as a flat-rate monthly fee allowing for both parties to be held accountable in the transaction of services.
One way to explain the importance of a flat-rate service is numerous services including, help desk support, are included under that umbrella, all at one flat-rate price. That makes investing in the right MSP imperative, as it’s the most efficient way to invest in your help desk support.
Local Help Desk Support Can Help Your Business Increase Efficiency and Profits
If you are questioning if your MSP provider is the right fit, give us a call at 972-881-9500 for a FREE IT Comparison chart to compare AdvaTech Solutions services to your current provider and see all the benefits of making the switch to our family. You can speak with an AdvaTech employee that is based right here in the DFW if you have a problem. Issues resolve remotely more times than not, so you can be back up and running without having to wait for a technician to come to your office. Saving you time, money, and stress as the holidays approach.